Give Us Your Session Ideas for 2025!
Now that Housing Washington 2024 has come to a close, we are ready to gear up for next year’s conference. This involves you!
Please share your session ideas with us using the Session Request for Proposal Form. Don’t hesitate or wait too long.
Deadline for Submissions: February 1, 2025
Review of Submissions: Months of February & March 2025
Notification to Submitter: by March 31, 2025
Talk to your colleagues, think of your initiatives and priorities, and share your ideas with us. We review every submission with our Track Teams and Steering Committee. Your ideas are important to us.

About Housing Washington
Housing Washington is Washington state’s most significant resource for affordable housing guidance, innovation, and solutions.
Housing Washington is led by the Washington State Housing Finance Commission in partnership with the Washington State Department of Commerce and Washington Low Income Housing Alliance, the annual conference enhances the skills, vision, and understanding of professionals working in affordable housing in Washington state and challenges them to work toward racial equity and social justice.
The event presents a comprehensive educational program, including special events and networking opportunities, designed to cultivate conversations, collaborations, and productive engagement to advance an affordable housing agenda that serves to break down barriers for people of color and others who have been systemically excluded.
Thank you to our Housing WA platinum sponsor, Hilltop Securities. We appreciate your continued support!